
DAY 568

in {and out} Week 7: Carnival

After doing tons of inner work and trying this and that. After going through many tools and techniques created in order to improve the healing process and giving them all a try. After coming across new wounds that I didn´t even know and understood new layers and layers of my own story. After restoring a sense of self and letting go many old habits and creating new ones... In short, after feeling –once and again- that I was almost “there”, I used to have the sense that I still had something to do, something to mend, something that needed to be purified, a new aspect of my existence that I wanted to make clean. And I started again.

But a day came and I felt that I didn´t want to analyze once more time what was incorrect or misplaced, what could be better, what should be enhanced. That day came and I felt that the only thing I wanted to do was blessing, embracing, celebrating my life as it was, that the only thing I could do was validating myself as I was. And suddenly I realized that I didn´t want to be anyone else, I was not willing to live my life as if it were a perpetual carnival.

It was a shocking, miraculous, day when I woke up and felt that what I had, what I had achieved, the person who I had become, the life that I had constructed from ashes should be enough. Please, don´t get me wrong, I was not closing the door to new levels of understanding or learning, I was just stopping my endless chase for something that made me valuable, I was just reckoning my efforts as fully adequate, I was just validating my path and rejecting the fact that I had to keep trying to fit in a preconceived idea about spiritual elightenment or pretending it.

That day I decided to go back to the basis, regardless of my need to explore new ideas and to figure out the puzzle of consciousness. That day I abandoned an old mask that was related to perfectionism and competitiveness, to the importance that I gave to exactness and to demonstrate that I was right. I started to bow down to my reality and to stay true to the essential practice that had always supported my process: meditation, attention and presence, emotional awareness, connection and appreciation of guidance, acceptance and gratitude.

The fall of this concrete mask, has made me more oriented to simplicity, more humble and also more generous, open and authentic. I have discovered that just focusing on staying here in this right present moment is more than sufficient, that I don´t need to prove who I was, who I will be or who I want to be, either.  

I only had to be by ceasing my fight.

This entry is part of a project I am developing with my friend Montse Gallardo. We´ll share a photo every week during 2015. Her photos will be always taken outside and my photos will be indoor shots only. We have created a Facebook page: In and Out. 52 weeks where you can see all the photos of the project. 


Anonymous said...

What a powerful lesson you are teaching me here Zena. <3
Your words are opening a door i did not know needed opening in my heart and this will give me plenty to re-examine where I find myself at this point in time.
Beautiful photo illustrating your words. Thank you

windrock studio said...

Good for you. You are exactly who and where you should be, you are whole, thriving and enough. It's nice that you can relax and just enjoy your life. Wishing you many more of these days.

Unknown said...

I love your carnival photo! It is all about stopping that endless chase which you mentioned and finally let go and allowing yourself to...BE...happy. Much love and light to you!!!!

Sandy said...

Sounds like a fabulous project to do with your friend.. Your carnival photo looks so fun.. So glad you are exploring who you are and finding it fabulous to be the you that you are..
Popped over from Creative Every Day
Sandy :)

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

Bravo Zena....absolutely the moment is where we find the happiness and I love how you are ceasing the fight....wise lessons for all of us.

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