
DAY 198

about past, memories and forgiveness

 An important part of our lives are filled with memories and even, based on memories. We may think that these memories are representative of how our life was, but this is not true. The true is that our memories are an example of who we are

As we cannot remember everything that has happened and we can´t remember things objectively, our memories are influenced by our personal feelings and opinions and can be inexact. That doesn´t mean that they are not actual.  It means that real facts have been partly elaborated by us and depend on our mind which has added additional details to things that happened

This creates an interesting paradox:  the memories we choose to preserve are conditioned for the person we are and -at the same time- they will always have a significant influence on the way we see ourselves. So when we decide to go into them in depth in order to understand our lives better, we usually become trapped in a vicious circle, because what we find only confirms what we already know

The reason why we don´t find new information is because we interpret memories too literally and indeed, they are mainly symbols and metaphors that should be decoded before their utilization

So our challenge is trying to understand under which conditions we created our memories  and what they tell us not only about factual events, but also about our weak spots and strengths, our dreams and our fears... and mainly about how our present character and personality has emerged from an unique combination of our own energy and the way we have responded to a sequence of experiences, not always nice

If we find the key to our present identity through our memories, it is worth doing the journey. However, if we examine them in order to delight in what happened (either with pleasure or with anger) and we don´t look for any positive learning or a way to overcome past and keep on walking, we will come to a standstill

1 comment:

Sandra Marie said...

I'm glad I read this today, Zena! I love how you point out our memories are influenced by our own perspective. I have been examining beliefs that I have carried with me over the years which I had formed based on this perspective. As you say, it helps me to understand how I became who I am now. It helps me decide which beliefs to let go of in order to grow.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful insights! xx

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