
DAY 505

ins and outs

As you may already know, I am living my year of celebration. It is a way to honor the place where I am right now (metaphorically speaking). I want to live this in process, this means that I am only determined to keep my celebration mood but I don´t want to plan anything ahead and I try to await what comes to meet me.

This has caused me some unease, because I was not sure how I would be able to set a practice without planning (what if inspiration never arrives?) or  how I would be able to keep a mood that is strange to me without an extra effort.

Being blissfully spontaneous is not my strongest point and proclaiming what makes me happy has never been my style. I have no problems with talking about many subjects or showing vulnerability (something that I have learnt that makes me stronger) or sadness and of course, anger, but expressing joy is challenging to me in certain contexts or moments.

Don´t get me wrong, I am not a bad-tempered person and I am not shy, either. I am an introvert that usually finds much easier to rejoice in things privately if necessary (a way to celebrate), than sharing them, or does any other thing to make my -positive- feelings evident. But how can one goes through a year of celebration -the kind of year I have in mind- without doing it?.

However, as the week progressed, a certain pace has begun to take form. This pace is made of little and specific daily actions and I am discovering that praising publicly what I find interesting, appealing, beautiful or comforting (you name it) about other persons, or even about myself, is not so difficult as I thought. Indeed, I am getting used to do it quickly, something inconceivable only a few months ago... is this a proof of the power of intention?.

When I am working with my students, or doing any other activity, at home or just walking in the city, I try to be more assertive in general terms, but in particular, regarding the good things. This is making a great difference: I feel more motivated and enthusiastic and mindful (and connected to others!) but what is more important, through the tiny, ordinary things, I am getting in touch with some big things that deserve celebration in my life. Things that –now I see- have gone unnoticed or I have given for granted, but won´t continue to be that way.

I´ll start a series of post about them next week... would you come to celebrate with me?.

Hope so. Much Love.



Cathy H. said...

I'll be looking forward to seeing the tiny ordinary things you find to celebrate!

Unknown said...

Celebrating beauty with Zena, sounds really good and I will be delighted to join you. Thank you Zena for sharing your beautiful heart which expands so much with love and joy.
p.s Lovely, delicate and sensual photograph!

morning prayer blog said...

Hallelujah! I think you've changed the way I'm looking at my current blog that has been hard to write, I think because my recent blogs have been happy and about gratitude and this one isn't.thanks.

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