
DAY 365+2

this fleeting life

This is my contribution to photo-heart connection this month

The last fortnight of september was quite complicated. I had to ask for six days´ leave and went to my mom´s house, and I was back home at the end of the month

Even when I did almost all the things I wanted to do there, and I was happy to be back, I felt uneasy when I started to take up again my daily routine: I was not only worried, and exhausted, and very busy trying to catch up with my classes, I had also lost all my concentration and the ability for paying attention to what was going on... and I was a bit estranged from my own life

But then one day (the first week of october or so),  I came in my bedroom and saw an amazing light that was coming into contact with my bedside table so I rushed to pick my camera and started to take some photos

While I was trying to capture it, this little baby came around there to have a look. She sat down and changed  the whole image (see previous capture here) and my mood: 
It was like I wouldn´t have noticed her beauty before!

And I realized that my life was as simple as that: a home, two cats, the morning light coming through the blinds, J. having a coffee while listening the news, me holding my camera trying to freeze a moment in time and our tiny souls dancing together, moving towards consciousness

It all came down to these items plus tons of fitful dreams, changeable circumstances and unpredictable feelings; fanciful events and unsettled projects, all of them equally charming or complicated, all of them equally evanescent and impermanent 

And I understood something: this life of mine, composed of a few certainties and much fleetingness, deserves every single day a warm welcome, and not indifference


Deborah Tisch said...

"..this life of mine, composed of a few certainties and much fleetingness, deserves every single day a warm welcome, and not indifference..."

How thoughtful and wise. A good reminder for us all. What a beautiful connection between the image and your heart!

Bo Mackison said...

So lovely, the photo, your words.

Kathryn Dyche said...

You express such beautiful sentiments, I need to take a leaf out of your book.

gina said...

Such a moving post, sharing your uncertainties and discoveries. What a gift photography gives us when it makes us stop and really look and realize this is life right now -- notice it! Beautiful capture of the light and your sweet cat.

Sandra said...

What a lovely photo of your cat, with such a sweet look in her eyes, in that beautiful filtered light! "Our tiny souls dancing together, moving towards consciousness". Yes! Perfectly observed and stated.

Kat Sloma said...

Your last phrase just resonates in my heart and soul for its honesty and impact. We only have this day, and you are making the most of it, regardless of the uncertainty flowing around you. A beautiful image, and I love the start transition between the left and right. The cat is on the precipice between the known and unknown, some invisible line. Thank you so much for sharing in the Photo-Heart Connection this month.

Irene said...

oh how beautifully written, dear. and so much to learn... i, too, need to let go of that indifference.

your cat is so adorable! and so cute that she sat there when you took that photo! :-)

thank you so much for this very inspiring post. take care always and God bless ❤ :-)

Jeanne said...

What a lovely photo, and your thoughts are so profound

Paula said...

So beautifully written...truly from your heart! I agree - it's all about these tiny moments, isn't it? I love this post.

Becs said...

Gorgeous photo and I loved reading your words. Earlier this week I caught some beautiful light streaming in and photographed it too and I felt the same as you - my mood suddenly lifted and I had a similar realisation about savouring life. You've expressed it so beautifully here.

seabluelee said...

Life truly is in the details, isn't it? I love both the photo and your words (and yes, the cat totally changes the mood of the image). The wonderful thing about photography is the way it helps us stop and notice small, fleeting, insignificant (but they're not!) moments. Thank you for sharing this one. A healing moment, indeed.

Unknown said...

It is as if she came in and posed just for you. The curl of her tail, her alertness shown with her ears, the fine details of her whiskers...full of life and curiosity. Your statement, "...my life was as simple as that..." is one I understand. That realization that there is joy in that simplicity and to embrace it is a blessing. Beautiful photos and expression of your thoughts!

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