The aim of this page is helping me to cultivate an attitude of thanks. I have started it in 2012 and I am planning to keep it up as much time as I can publishing at least, one photo per month.
Hope you´ll enjoy them!
thankful for my heritage {august - december 2015}
and for my ancestors and their lessons
thankful for my ability to help those in need {july 2015}
thankful for keeping my wings after the storm {june 2015}
and for being able to feel love
thankful for the hope {may 2015}
and for those who support me
thankful for little epiphanies {april 2015} and for sudden revelations about the essence of life and death |
thankful for the earth under my feet {march 2015}
and for art in nature
thankful for unexpected captures {february 2015}
and for sweet moments of joy
thankful for relaxed (and shared) moments {january 2015} |
thankful for the sense of balance {december 2014}
and for warm welcomes
thankful for this year that is coming to an end {november 2014- fourth week}
For every month, every week, every day, every minute ... for every second.
I am thankful for every experience I have lived, even when they all were not pleasant, although when some of them have been -to be honest- really hard. And also for those lighter moments (as lighter as soap bubbles) where I have felt that everything was fitting, that I would not add or remove anything.
For my routines and everydayness where I have often found calm, for the unexpected that has reminded me how fragile this can be, how delicate is the balance I have achieved. And also for those moments when I´ve been frightened about the transience of life and I´ve wanted to run away only to retrace my steps and continue from where I was.
I am thankful for gifts of all kinds, little favors, miracles that continue to happen, the wonders around me, the love which always returns and my perpetual ability to feel amazed by what happens here. And also for my luck, that makes me feel humble. For feeling grateful. For daring to share it.
For the month that I still have to live. It will lead me to my 50th birthday through one of my favorite seasons: Christmas ... which is already in the air.
And also for that part of me that -as every year- feels thrilled by the possibility of giving peace and joy a new chance.
thankful for all the persons who have been part of my life {november 2014- third week}
I am thankful for those who abandoned me too soon leaving an empty space in my heart that has been hard to fill and a certain sense of failure which has made me fight and work so much. For those who wanting to hurt me, made me stronger, for those who wanting to destroy that part of me that shines, have forced me to shelter in it and to make it even brighter.
I am thankful for those who came with haste and departed fast leaving behind a moment of recognition, perhaps a memory. For those who I met accidentally and made me go ahead through their smile or their indifference. For those who have come and gone and crossed my days offering me a bit of conversation and knowledge.
I am thankful for those who shared with me a space and time destined to finish, limited, who -when the moment came- went away without looking back. In this case, for all my students from whom I have learned so much. And among them, for those who persisted and once the time went by, have become much more than former students. Also, for those who have shown me affection and respect for those who have supported, encouraged and inspired me along my path even when we have never seen each other.
I am thankful for those that have made me believe that it is worth going straight on, who honor me with their friendship come rain or shine, those who -I know for sure- love me unconditionally and walk with me along this great journey side by side or only in spirit.
thankful for my life as it is {november 2014- second week}
I am thankful for all the days which have passed until this week when I have seen my mother turned 90 years old while being healthy and joyful.
For having come to this world to be her daughter because I know that this has taught me lessons that otherwise I would have not achieved.
I am thankful for all the days wich have passed until this instant when I have come to understand that everything happens (or does not happen) for a reason.
For having begun to accept that there have not been neither mistakes nor good moves, neither failures nor successes, neither fault nor victories... I've always -even unwittingly- been learning and growing, moving, understanding, to finally wake up to the true meaning of being here.
I am thankful for all the days which have passed until I have arrived to this way of living where I can find peace in -almost- all circumstances and I have ceased being intoxicated by my story, my stories about my history and my fears.
For the light that illuminates my path that has made me realize that I am good, that I deserve to be loved and also that I belong to this place, to this moment
thankful for today {november 2014- first week}
and for the path that led me to this moment
For freedom, solitude and silence.
I am thankful because I am learning to stop and appreciate every second, every experience, every little thing, every lesson, every revelation, no matter how unexpected, small, insignificant or common they can seem. Even if I was not looking for them ... even if I do not like them.
I am thankful for the chaos, imperfection and disorder of this life of mine, as well as for its extraordinary beauty.
For awareness, serenity and balance.
I am thankful because I am developing the ability to say yes to everything that comes to meet me ... and for being right here, right now (regardless of what that entails) because this is a true miracle, a privilege.
thankful for the first rains {october 2014}
and for the fragrance of autumn
thankful for my home {september 2014}
and for quietness |
thankful for summer memories {august 2014} |
thankful for life cycles {july 2014}
and for new stages and challenges |
thankful for windowsill´s tomatoes {june 2014}
and for having them at home |
thankful for nature´s gifts {may 2014}
and for strawberries
thankful for honey and bees {may 2014} and for unexpected moment of kindness
thankful for moments of unconcern {april 2014} and for sharing my life with my sweet cats
thankful for sunny Sundays {march 2014} and for this new season
thankful for plants blooming at home {february 2014} and for those tiny pink roses
thankful for transparency {january 2014} for afternoon light and for having a pond next to my house |
thankful for the bends of my path {december 2013}
thankful for life just the way it is {november 2013. 30/30 moments of gratitude} |
thankful for spring amidst autumn {november 2013. 27 and 28 and 29/30 moments of gratitude} for unpredictable events and flowers with lovely petals
thankful for serenity {november 2013. 24 and 25 and 26/30 moments of gratitude} and for water and nice reflections |
thankful for the clouds {november 2013. 22 and 23/30 moments of gratitude} and for beautiful skies
thankful for that gaze {november 2013. 20 and 21/30 moments of gratitude} and for having this kitty in my life who has given back playfulness to our house (exactly two years ago)
thankful for coolness of weather {november 2013. 18 and 19/30 moments of gratitude} and for calmness of soul |
thankful for friendship {november 2013. 16 and 17/30 moments of gratitude} and for lovely umbrellas
thankful for those who grow outside the box {november 2013. 15/30 moments of gratitude}
thankful for the flowers amidst the thorns {november 2013. 14/30 moments of gratitude}
thankful for reminders of my personal journey {november 2013. 11, 12 and 13/30 moments of gratitude} for my mom who has kept these letters I sent her twenty five years ago and for having the ability for capturing my experiences using words
thankful for urban gardens {november 2013. 9 and 10/30 moments of gratitude} and for living in a city with so many plants and green spaces |
thankful for beautiful endings {november 2013. 8/30 moments of gratitude}
thankful for simple things that makes my life prettier {november 2013. 6 and 7/30 moments of gratitude} and for the beauty of crystal
thankful for a colofur world {november 2013. 4 and 5/30 moments of gratitude} and for long walks with my camera
thankful for unexpected finds {november 2013. 2 and 3/30 moments of gratitude} and for the autumnal colors
thankful for being thankful {october 2013- november 2013. 1/30 moments of gratitude} and for the first rains |
thankful for my kitten´s improved health, 16 years old and counting! {september 2013} and for the pills that are keeping her kidney in good condition |
thankful for this fruitful life {august 2013} and for the beauty of roses |
thankful for sunshine and shades {august 2013} and for the benches
thankful for the healing light {july 2013} that is always there to convert wounds into priceless lessons |
thankful for the evidences of time passing {july 2013} and for the trees |
thankful for summertime {june 2013} and for cherries and their amazing beauty |
thankful for delicacy {may 2013} |
thankful for new starts {april 2013} and for trees, wood and color green |
thankful for spring and new sprouts {march 2013} |
thankful for fellow walkers {february 2013} and for the living beings I meet along my path |
thankful for evening in the city {february 2013} |
thankful for naivety {january 2013} and for the ability to express sentiments |
thankful for persistence {january 2013}
thankful for space and clarity {january 2013}
thankful for the permanence of beauty throughout time {december 2012}
thankful for the joy {december 2012} |
thankful for seasons and changes {november 30-2012}
thankful for everydayness {november 29-2012} and gentle souls |
thankful for the continuous cycle of life {november 28-2012} |
thankful for having a park next to my house {november 27-2012} my walks there are delightful |
thankful for my sweet dear friend {november 26-2012} after more than fourteen years together she still look at me as the very first day
thankful for everyday gifts {november 25-2012} |
thankful for the soft beat of my heart {november 24-2012} which reminds me the miracle of life |
thankful for my tree {november 23-2012} |
thankful for colors {november 22-2012}
thankful for fresh foods {november 21-2012}
thankful for late flowering {november 20-2012} soon I will be 48 years old and no doubt, this is the best stage od my life |
thankful for upcoming season {november 19-2012} I so much love Christmas
thankful for the appreciation of beauty {november 18-2012} |
thankful for quiet moments {november 17-2012} |
thankful for universe messages {november 16-2012} |
thankful for the sweet things of life {november 15-2012} |
thankful for the creativity and curiosity {november 14-2012} |
thankful for the morning light {november 13-2012}
thankful for the old photos {november 12-2012}
thankful for my old bedroom at mom´s house {november 11-2012}
where every single detail speaks to me about her love for life
thankful for still having my mom in my life {november 10-2012} and for having the chance to celebrate her 88th birthday today
thankful for my kitties and their recovery {november 9-2012}
thankful for lemon juice {november 8-2012}
thankful for shapes and lines {november 7-2012}
thankful for little nothings {november 6-2012}
because they tun this house into a home
thankful for my path {november 5-2012} wherever it leads me, I always find beauty
thankful for nice hearts around me {november 4-2012}
literal and metphorically
thankful for the flowers {november 3-2012}
thankful for the rain {november 2-2012}
thankful for a well-spent morning {november 1-2012}
catching up with myself |
Like how you captured this one with the statue slightly out of focus:)
beautiful photos! i love the one of the quilt and the little stitches...
I love all these gratitude photos!
Your photos are absolutely beautiful. It is amazing how once we notice all of the little things we have to be thankful for the number just keeps growing.
What a lovely post and fantastic photos with wonderful 'grateful' captions ~ (A CreaIive Harbor) ^_^ on Blogger ^_^
ps. I find when I work my 'attitude of gratitude' life is simpler and loving ^_^
so creative and so well captured images. Amazing
Beautiful post and images!
So much beauty and gratitude. Such an inspiring post!
Brilliant, soul{full} work!
Lovely photos!
stunning photos... and great reminders of all that we have to be grateful for!
Gorgeous, gorgeous work! I love this way of celebrating gratitude. I think you'll like next month's Creative Every Day theme too. :-) It's getting posted tomorrow.
Absolutely magnificent post and photography ~ Attitude of Gratitude is so powerful ~ You are one 'enlightened' woman ~ Love your kitties ^_^
Happy Holidays to you ~
(A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^
What are great project -- you have some really wonderful images in your series. Love the hearts! Gratitude is a powerful practice and brings so many benefits.
Zena it is so nice to meet you. I'm so glad I found your blog...I've been enjoying it today on my lunch hour. I love what you see, how you shoot it, what you say with your photos, and how I feel when I look at them.
I will be back often...for inspiration and peace.
Wonderful page of photos and gratitude!!
Wow, your photos are beautiful, and the sentiments that go along with them are really touching. Thanks for sharing! (found you through AEDM)
Oh my gosh! Your photographs are amazingly beautiful. What a lovely reflection on what you are grateful for.
I am thankful for all the beauty you have brought to my life right now. Love from Brazil!
What an absolutely glorious post. I know I'll come back to it again and again when I need a little light in my life!
wow! what a wonderful body of work! Thank you for sharing the images and thoughts…..
I really like the way you see and appreciate the beauty of the world--thanks for sharing these via November is Art Every Day month!
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