
DAY 365+96

there is a happy medium 

Pleasing others and selfishness

Extreme need of excellence and inefficiency

Rigidness about one´s beliefs and lack of opinion

Focusing on achievement and giving up one´s dreams and goals

Endless self-criticism and blindness

Constancy and lack of willpower

Tolerance to frustration and indolence

Impatience and apathy

Obsessive concerns and carelessness

Need of approval and arrogance

Improvement of oneself through self-knowledge and looking always outside

Self-demanding attitude and self-indulgence

Motivation and the loss of hope

...A happy medium where I can feel simply at ease

Indeed I have found it between the past and the future, between my mind and my heart, between earth and heaven

It is a place where nothing has to be repaired because nothing is defective, where one can take ownership of one´s own life without fear

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great thoughts and fantastic portrait. Beautiful warm colours and composition. Thank you for sharing.

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