gathering the fruits of awareness
So the prophecies about the end of the world have shown to be baseless. And here we are with a little bit of extra time, with an additional edition of our lives where we can be whoever we want to or do whatever we wish If yesterday would have been the last day of my life, many of my dreams would have been useless but also my sufferings, contradictions and false expectations. So why are they so important? The metaphor of the rebirthing (so close to Christmas imaginary) holds this meaning: we can make up our mind, we can decide to let go those things that are an obstacle and prevent us from being happy. We can modify our attitude, we can choose and there is no need to die in order to do it. We only have to change those things we want to change and forget about the others I don´t want to leave this world right now, I so much love life, but a refreshed version of my current life would be appealing. So I am going to imagine this week that I am rebirthing and awakening to it I don´t want to alter the past, but I am going to leave it behind and fly. I am going to empower my true self and make the most of my days. I have embraced my life all this year, I have gone through amazingly beautiful territories and through dark ones, and I have lived every single experience that came to meet me, but it´s time to focus on the harvest: achieving wisdom and don´t give it the chance to turn into joy is disgraceful In a few hours I´ll be 48 year old and I feel that this birthday is meant to be a true turning point. It is going to be a rebirth, I am sure. A whole world (the world that I created to survive, where I ended up to be secluded) will indeed finish to me. And I won´t look back
You are absolutely right. Every day, we are reborn. Every day, we choose how we will view the world -- and how we hope to be viewed by it.
Happy New Year to you!
I also want to live Zena and I think a rebirth might be what you need. A new outlook, a new approach... I just realized you are also a Capricorn, like me... :) Happy birthday.
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