
DAY 129

life as it is

It´s time for Photo-Heart Connection, again. Before
opening my images files and making my selection, I was trying to figure out what sort of photo could be closer to my heart this time... lot of soft and peaceful shots came to my mind, pictures of a serene existence that I treasure even when my everyday life seems to be not always compatible with it

But when I opened the files, those images were not able to awake the sense of connection I was looking for:  I´ve been feeling ill all month long (indeed, I am still sick and am having a strong flu at this moment), this has disrupted my usual pace -I feel so very tired!- and I have the sense that I have to catch up with many things, so calm images couldn´t evoke my current sentiments

To be honest, while I was looking at them, I felt like my heart were half asleep... but suddenly it leaped at this concrete image, that was not on my radar. I stopped a bit and the more I looked at it, the more it showed itself to be the right one.

These are the reasons why I think this happens:

I see real life here. As big, unexpected, imperfect, bright as it is for me

I see real beauty here. As natural, no contrived, alive and changing as it is when I look at myself

I see real strenght here. As contradictory, fragile, vulnerable and tough as my own strenght is

I see real harmonization here. As complicated, delicate, subtle and amazing as my achievements regarding this issue are

I see real hope here. As promising, uplifting, cheerful and elusive as only the real hope can be

And I see real me here, behind my camera. As strong, joyful, curious, precise and motivated as I know I am


Unknown said...

oh I understand, thank you for sharing and as this pod continues to be nurished from the inside out to the world.. I wish your body the same connection in that it will be nurished and healed and ready to greet the world.

Cathy H. said...

Oh, I love this...the depth of field, the focus, the light and those delicate spider webs...they all form such a beautiful image! And your thoughts that accompany it are just perfect! The little spider webs also remind me that life can be fragile and like this pod we just have to hang on. I hope that you'll be feeling better soon!

Sherry said...

Nice DOF, colors - you even captured a few spider web strands. Hope you get to feeling better soon - there seems to be a lot of flu/allergies going around lately.

Kathryn Dyche said...

Sorry to hear you've been so ill. I love your description of this image and what it means to you . . . I see many of those same things captured there too. Feel better soon. x

Simon said...

You have really connected to this image. I hope it will be "healing" for you. I find beautiful light to be very healing and you've captured it here. Sending warm thoughts for you to be feeling well again soon.

Kat Sloma said...

Yay! What a heart connection! To see the real you in the image is powerful. It's so surprising what we find sometimes, when we look closer. This is what you needed this month. Real beauty and strength! Thank you so much for sharing this in the Photo-Heart Connection.

gina said...

Your words are so passionate -- we can really feel your connection to your special image. Hope you are feeling all better very soon!

Elsie said...

I love the beauty of this picture.

Marji said...

wow, great image and a powerful you with the connection this photo brings to you. Nice for photo-heart connection

Meeha Meeha said...

You are right: this is real, beautifully imperfect, humble and poetic at the same time.

Bo Mackison said...

Nicely captured. Your words and photo combine in a testimony of quiet strength!

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