
DAY 109

a peaceful world evolves through peaceful heart

... but learning to calm down our hearts (minds and souls) is not always easy. Quite often we want to pacify our lives but we don´t know how can we turn our wish into a feasible goal. Of course, conquering a true peace involves many steps but we can start this process, creating the right mood

One of the things that has helped me to do such thing is writing about my feelings, experiences, everyday challenges etc.

I have try different ways of journaling, from the simple diary of my childhood, to a private notebook where I could unburden myself... I have written short stories based on my experiences, lists, poetic prose, affirmations, tales of past events where I have revisited my memories, affirmations, quick notes to myself and even haikus. I also have made mixed-media journals for a long time and diaries where I search for spiritual guidance through meditation

I still fluctuate between some of this techniques nowadays, depending on my moods and needs (and this blog is a good proof of it). All of them are useful their way and some of them really enjoyable. But the thing I like better when I use them is that they permit me to get in touch to my inner being and explore a sort of subtle wisdom which seems to lie inside me

... and inside you

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