
DAY 147

love versus attachment (second take)

Quite often the way we love is pervaded with preconceived ideas about the persons we love, our relationship and even about love itself

This creates a strange mixture composed of high expectations and generosity enough to face disappointment up. Usually, this can lead us to swing from a need of control to magnanimity, from persuasion to forgiveness, from joy to dissatisfaction, from connection to distress, from restrictions to aperture... and while we carry out this complex dance we run the risk to ruin the play

Of course, we can learn to develop this process in a softer and pleasant way, the only thing we need is conscience and perseverance

Love is mainly acceptance. Not in a insane way: acceptance is not incompatible with boundaries and doesn´t mean passivity or submissiveness, but in a wise way

When we love we have to be ready to welcome unexpected circumstances, strange twist of fate and simple changes. We can´t run away (physically or emotionally) every time we don´t like the direction that life is taking. We have to cultivate mindfulness and presence. We have to be flexible and benevolent (even with ourselves). And clever enough to look for new strategies in order to keep on living and loving much

his is not easy at all. But in love, as in other fields of our lives, a good understanding of the fact that present moment is the only moment we have  comes with the practice

1 comment:

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Conscience and perseverance...two such powerful words.

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