
DAY 22

inspiring and inspired

I´m thankful for inspiration around me...

for an inspiring universe where messages float waiting to be catched...

and for the fortuitous possibility of inspiring others...

I know we tend to think that we can´t be a source of inspiration...

we understand we are not the right person to attempt it: too many problems, unbalances and even a great doses of chaos make us thinks that we can´t be inspired and inspiring persons... 

but we can, indeed I don´t share that view... 

I truly believe in the inspirational power of common people with common experiences that is, persons with chaotic and problematic lives that keep on living, laughing, loving, enjoying every single minute...

maybe they don´t know very well, how they achieve these goals, but they help us to see that it is possible...

 Inspire (from the Latin inspirare) means to breathe life into another. And no doubt, these persons can do such thing

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